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Ko van Huissteden Tundra rivers of the last glacial
sedimentation and geomorphological processes during the middle pleniglacial in Twente, Eastern Netherlands
Engels | 231 pagina's | 1990
Gedrukt boek
Universiteit van de Nederlandse Antillen Building up the future from the past
studies on the architecture and historic monuments in the Dutch Caribbean
Bibliografie:p. 232-256 Met reg. Number of articles, in which many aspects of Antillean architecture are discussed from different points of view. The articles are divided on three main categories: urban architecture of islands; from traditional to modern architecture and historic monuments; interiors, Antillean furniture and jewellery.
Engels | 268 pagina's | De Walburg Pers, Zutphen | 1990
Gedrukt boek
Hetty Zock A psychology of ultimate concern
Erik H. Erikson's contribution to the psychology of religion
Engels | 262 pagina's | Rodopi, Amsterdam [etc.] | 1990
Gedrukt boek
A.L. van Gijn The wear and tear of flint
principles of functional analysis applied to Dutch Neolithic assemblages
Engels | 182 pagina's | 1990
Gedrukt boek
Els Verheugd Subject arguments and predicate nominals
a study of French copular sentences with two NP's
Engels | 307 pagina's | 1990
Gedrukt boek
Thomas Laqueur Making sex
body and gender from the Greeks to Freud
Geschiedenis van de representatie van en het discours over sekse en gender in de medische wetenschap
Engels | 313 pagina's | Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA [etc.] | 1990
Gedrukt boek
Koos Daley The triple fool
a critical evaluation of Constantijn Huygens' translations of John Donne
Engels | 231 pagina's | De Graaf, Nieuwkoop | 1990
Gedrukt boek
T.D. de Bruin Orgaan der Nederlandsch-Indische Officiersvereeniging (1915-1942/1949-1951)
a selective and annotated bibliography
Engels | 242 pagina's | Army Historical Section of the Royal Netherlands Army, The Hague | 1990
Gedrukt boek
P.F.M. Fontaine The light and the dark
a cultural history of dualism
Engels | 271 pagina's | Gieben, Amsterdam | 1990
Gedrukt boek
Alfred Pijpers The vicissitudes of European political cooperation
towards a realist interpretation of the EC's collective diplomacy
Engels | 268 pagina's | 1990
Gedrukt boek
Paul 't Hart Groupthink in government
a study of small groups and policy failure
Engels | 318 pagina's | Swets & Zeitlinger, Amsterdam [etc.] | 1990
Gedrukt boek
Sjaak de Mey Determiner logic or the grammar of the np
Engels | 276 pagina's | 1990
Gedrukt boek
C. Molenberg The interpreter interpreted
Išoʿ bar Nun's selected questions on the Old Testament
Engels | 563 pagina's | 1990
Gedrukt boek
Critical theory today
the Frankfurt School: how relevant is it today?
Engels | Duits | 240 pagina's | Universitaire Pers, Rotterdam | 1990
Gedrukt boek
Unity in diversity
papers presented to Simon C. Dik on his 50th birthday
Engels | 313 pagina's | Foris, Dordrecht [etc.] | 1990
Gedrukt boek
Cornelis de Groot Netherlands labor and co-determination law in an EEC perspective
Engels | 317 pagina's | Kluwer Law and Taxation], [Deventer etc. | 1990
Gedrukt boek
Hans Beentjes Studies on children's television viewing and reading
Proefschrift over een onderzoek naar de relatie tussen het televisie kijken en het lezen door kinderen
Engels | 158 pagina's | Center for Child and Media Studies, Leiden University], [Leiden | 1990
Gedrukt boek
Richard Brown Sudan's debt crisis
the interplay between international and domestic responses, 1978-88
Engels | 287 pagina's | 1990
Gedrukt boek