Zoekresultaten voor: *
Resultaat 221 - 240 (van 273)
Writing in context
insular manuscript culture 500-1200
Zes studies van het insulaire boek waarin verschillende aspecten van de Engelse schriftcultuur van voor 1200 aan de orde komen.
Engels | 318 pagina's | Leiden University Press, Leiden | 2013
Gedrukt boek
The secrets of women in Middle Dutch
a bilingual edition of Der vrouwen heimelijcheit in Ghent University Library Ms 444
A poet, head over heels in love with a charming lady, writes a book at her request on intimate matters concerning women. It is a delicate undertaking, not only because it is a relatively unknown subject for him, but also because he does not want her to be angry with him when she reads about these highly personal matters. This is how Der vrouwen heimelijcheit [The Secrets of Women] begins. An intriguing characteristic of this fifteenth-century text is the way in which the author has alternated scientific...
Fictie | Non-fictie
Engels | Middelnederlands (ca.1050-1350) | 165 pagina's | Verloren, Hilversum | 2011
Gedrukt boek
Marcel van den Broecke Ortelius atlas maps
an illustrated guide
Engels | 708 pagina's | Hes & De Graaf, Houten | 2011
Gedrukt boek
G.G. Schilder Sailing for the East
history & catalogue of manuscript charts on vellum of the Dutch East India Company (VOC), 1602-1799
Engels | 707 pagina's | Hes & De Graaf, Houten | 2010
Gedrukt boek
Marco van Egmond Covens & Mortier
a map publishing house in Amsterdam, 1685-1866
Engels | 600 pagina's | Hes & De Graaf, Houten | 2009
Gedrukt boek
Stichting Uitgeverij Koninklijke Nederlandse Natuurhistorische Vereniging Drawn after nature
the complete botanical watercolours of the 16th century; Libri Picturati
Engels | 368 pagina's | KNNV Publishing, Zeist | 2008
Gedrukt boek
Studieboek op HBO/WO-niveau voor Nederlandstaligen over het lezen en schrijven van zakelijke teksten in het Engels.
Engels | 102 pagina's | Wolters-Noordhoff, Groningen | 2003
Gedrukt boek
Studieboek op HBO/WO-niveau voor Nederlandstaligen over het voeren van zakelijke correspondentie in het Engels.
Engels | 84 pagina's | Wolters Noordhoff, Groningen | 2003
Gedrukt boek
Studieboek op HBO/WO-niveau voor Nederlandstaligen over het voeren van vergaderingen in het Engels.
Engels | 89 pagina's | Wolters-Noordhoff, Groningen | 2003
Gedrukt boek
K. Vlierman Cogs, small cogs and boats
the thirteenth- until sixteenth- century Dutch and Flemish archaeological finds from the Hanseatic shipbuilding tradition seen in a broader perspective
"From the thirteenth to the fifteenth century an important part of the economy in north western Europe was based on trade in the Hanseatic League. The main means of transport consisted of ships, mainly cogs. The importance of this type of ship was already apparent from medieval documents, miniatures and other sources. One of the world's largest collections of medieval shipwrecks emerged after the Second World War during the partial reclamation of the IJsselmeer lake (the former Zuiderzee inlet) in...
Engels | 998 pagina's | Spa uitgevers, Zwolle | 2021
Gedrukt boek
Manuscripts of the Latin classics 800-1200
Engels | 224 pagina's | Leiden University Press, [Leiden] | 2015
Gedrukt boek
Richard Osman The@Thursday Murder Club
Engels | 400 pagina's | Noordhoff, Groningen | 2022
Gedrukt boek
Richard Pflederer Finding their way at sea
the story of portolan charts, the cartographers who drew them and the mariners who sailed by them
Engels | 167 pagina's | Hes & De Graaf Publishers, Houten | 2012
Gedrukt boek
Ad Stijnman Engraving and etching, 1400-2000
a history of the development of manual intaglio printmaking processes
Engels | 658 pagina's | Archetype Publications, London | 2012
Gedrukt boek
H.D.L. Vervliet Vine leaf ornaments in Renaissance typography
a survey
Engels | 416 pagina's | Oak Knoll Press, New Castle, DE | 2012
Gedrukt boek
Christiane Berkvens-Stevelinck Magna commoditas
Leiden University's great asset; 425 years library collections and services
Engels | 303 pagina's | Leiden University Press, [Leiden] | 2012
Gedrukt boek
J.P. Gumbert Illustrated inventory of medieval manuscripts in Latin script in the Netherlands
Engels | 233 pagina's | Verloren, Hilversum | 2011
Gedrukt boek
Concorde Group Maps in books of Russia and Poland
published in the Netherlands to 1800
Engels | 724 pagina's | Hes & De Graaf, Houten | 2011
Gedrukt boek
Technology and the making of the Netherlands
the age of contested modernization 1890-1970
Engels | 635 pagina's | Walburg Pers, Zutphen | 2010
Gedrukt boek