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Folger institute of Renaissance and eighteenth-century studies Three British revolutions: 1641, 1688, 1776
Engels | 468 pagina's | Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J. | 1980
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John Gooch Armies in Europe
Geschiedenis van de rol van het leger in vredestijd en van de oorlogvoering van de Franse revolutie tot en met de tweede wereldoorlog
Engels | 286 pagina's | Routledge and Kegan Paul, London [etc.] | 1980
Gedrukt boek
Time and cause
essays presented to Richard Taylor
Engels | 313 pagina's | Reidel, Dordrecht [etc.] | 1980
Gedrukt boek
Gérard Kester Transition to workers' self-management
its dynamics in the decolonizing economy of Malta
Engels | 262 pagina's | Institute of Social Studies, The Hague | 1980
Gedrukt boek
Black fiction: new studies in the Afro-American novel since 1945
Engels | 254 pagina's | Vision Press, London | 1980
Gedrukt boek
George Muskens Frames of meaning, are they measurable?
a methodological critique of the content analysis of illustrated periodical magazines
Engels | 348 pagina's | 1980
Gedrukt boek
Elizabeth M. Craik The Dorian Aegean
Engels | 263 pagina's | Routledge & Kegan Paul, London [etc.] | 1980
Gedrukt boek
Hans Kuyper About the saliency of social comparison dimensions
Engels | 285 pagina's | 1980
Gedrukt boek
Jakob Katz From prejudice to destruction
anti-Semitism, 1700-1933
Engels | 392 pagina's | Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. | 1980
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Virginia Woolf
revaluation and continuity; a collection of essays
Engels | 299 pagina's | University of California Press, Berkeley [etc.], London | 1980
Gedrukt boek
Dika Newlin Schoenberg remembered
diaries and recollections (1938-76)
Herinnerigen aan de Oostenrijkse componist Arnold Schönberg (1874-1951).
Engels | 369 pagina's | Pendragon Press, New York | 1980
Gedrukt boek
A.W. Smitsman Which is more?
developmental studies on the process of estimating relative quantities
Engels | 116 pagina's | Krips Repro, Meppel | 1980
Gedrukt boek
Alastair B. Duncan Tiffany windows
Engels | 224 pagina's | Thames and Hudson, London | 1980
Gedrukt boek
James Floyd Smith Language & language attitudes in a bilingual community: Terherne (Friesland)
Engels | 299 pagina's | Stabo/Allround, Grins [Groningen] | 1980
Gedrukt boek
Stillman Drake Galileo
Engels | 100 pagina's | Oxford University Press, Oxford [etc.] | 1980
Gedrukt boek
Festschrift für Bernhard Kötting
Duits | Engels | Frans | 593 pagina's | Aschendorff, Münster (Westfalen) | 1980
Gedrukt boek
Probate inventories
a new source for the historical study of wealth, material culture and agricultural development; papers presented at the Leeuwenborch conference (Wageningen, 5-7 May 1980)
Engels | Frans | Duits | 320 pagina's | HES, Utrecht | 1980
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Paul Fussell Abroad
British literary traveling between the wars
Engels | 246 pagina's | Oxford University Press, New York, N.Y., [etc.] | 1980
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