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Resultaat 361 - 380 (van 562)
Steven A. Mansbach Visions of totality
Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, Theo Van Doesburg, and El Lissitzky
Engels | 163 pagina's | UMI Research Press, Ann Arbor, Mich | 1980
Gedrukt boek
John Ruskin The genius of John Ruskin
selections from his writings
Engels | 560 pagina's | Routledge and Kegan Paul, Boston [Mass.], London [etc.] | 1980
Gedrukt boek
Felix Geyer Alienation theories
a general systems approach
Engels | 201 pagina's | Pergamon Press, Oxford [etc.] | 1980
Gedrukt boek
David M. Kennedy Over here
the First World War and American society
Engels | 404 pagina's | Oxford University Press, Oxford [etc.] | 1980
Gedrukt boek
Michael Hiley Victorian working women
portraits from life
O.a. aandacht voor vrouwen in mannenkleren
Engels | 142 pagina's | Gary Schwartz, Maarssen | 1980
Gedrukt boek
Pseudonyms and nicknames dictionary
a guide to pseudonyms, pen names, nicknames, epithets, stage names, cognomens, aliases, and sobriquets of twentieth-century persons, including the subjects' real names, basic biographical information, and citations for the sources from which the entries were compiled; covers authors, sports figures, entertainers, politicians, military leaders, underworld figures, religious leaders, and other contemporary personalities
Engels | 627 pagina's | Gale Research Co, Detroit, MI | 1980
Gedrukt boek
Virginia Woolf The diary of Virginia Woolf
Engels | 371 pagina's | Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, New York | 1980
Gedrukt boek
Hunter Davies William Wordsworth
a biography
Engels | 367 pagina's | Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London | 1980
Gedrukt boek
Charles Simeons Hydro-power
the use of water as an alternative source of energy
Engels | 549 pagina's | Pergamon, Oxford [etc.] | 1980
Gedrukt boek
Handbook of the birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa
the birds of the Western Palearctic
Engels | 695 pagina's | Oxford University Press, Oxford [etc.] | 1980
Gedrukt boek
Carol M. Zemel The formation of a legend
Van Gogh criticism, 1890-1920
Engels | 239 pagina's | UMI Research Press, Ann Arbor, Mich. | 1980
Gedrukt boek
Louis Potter jr The art of cello playing
a complete textbook-method for private or class instruction
229 pagina's | Summy-Birchard Music, Princeton, N.J | 1980
Bernard Barenholtz American antique toys, 1830-1900
Engels | 282 pagina's | Abrams, New York | 1980
Gedrukt boek
J.P.A. van der Vin Travellers to Greece and Constantinople
ancient monuments and old traditions in medieval travellers' tales
Engels | Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten, [Leiden] | 1980
Gedrukt boek
Modern scribes and lettering artists
Geìˆllustreerd overrzicht van moderne schrijf- en letterkunst op diverse materialen
Engels | 160 pagina's | Studio Vista, London | 1980
Gedrukt boek
Pieter van den Keere The world map of 1611 by Pieter van den Keere
Engels | Latijn | 32 pagina's | Nico Israel, Amsterdam | 1980
Gedrukt boek
John Dewey The middle works, 1899-1924
Engels | 402 pagina's | Southern Illinois University Press [etc.], Carbondale [etc.] | 1980
Gedrukt boek