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Resultaat 461 - 480 (van 624)
Franciscus Hubertus Maria Hovens Frege's notion of Bedeutung: tension and transformation
Engels | 234 pagina's | 2003
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Gerard Foekema Architecture decorated with architecture
later medieval temples of Karnātaka, 1000-1300 AD
Engels | 296 pagina's | Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers, New Delhi | 2003
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L. Ali Khan A theory of universal democracy
beyond the end of history
Engels | 274 pagina's | Kluwer Law International, The Hague [etc.] | 2003
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W.Th. Douma The precautionary principle
its application in international, European and Dutch law
Engels | 472 pagina's | 2003
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Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid The European social dialogue: development, sectoral variation and prospects
Engels | 217 pagina's | Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid, Directie Communicatie], ['s-Gravenhage | 2003
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Optimising new modes of assessment: in search of qualities and standards
Engels | 299 pagina's | Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht [etc.] | 2003
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H.J. Roodenburg Immigration and the Dutch economy
Engels | 122 pagina's | CPB, The Hague | 2003
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P.-H. van Mulligen Quality aspects in price indices and international comparisons
applications of the hedonic method
Dit proefschrift verkent de hedonische methode. Dit is één bepaalde methode voor expliciete kwaliteitsaanpassing. De methode veronderstelt dat karakteristieken in plaats van voltooide producten van belang zijn voor gebruikers, producenten en uiteindelijk prijzen. Voor het meten van inflatie, een van de belangrijkste economische kerncijfers, wordt gebruik gemaakt van prijsindexcijfers. Bij het maken van prijsindices worden prijzen van min of meer identieke producten vergeleken over de tijd. Dergelijke...
Engels | 218 pagina's | Statistics Netherlands, Voorburg | 2003
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David Caute The dancer defects
the struggle for cultural supremacy during the Cold War
The Cold War was also a cultural contest between the Sovjet Union and the West: striving to demonstrate a superior claim to civilized values and the heritage of the Enlightenment, two imperial ideologies mobilized their best ballerinas, actors, composers, musicians, poets, playwrights, painters and film-makers. The price was public esteem in the age of mass media.
Engels | 788 pagina's | Oxford University Press, Oxford [etc.] | 2003
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nutrients, metals and mass cycling
Engels | 374 pagina's | Backhuys, Leiden | 2003
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Petrus Henricus Gerdina Maria Hendriks In-depth γ-ray studies
borehole measurements
Engels | 189 pagina's | 2003
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C. de Schipper Children in flexible child care
experiences of stability in center care, quality of care and the child's adjustment
Engels | 169 pagina's | 2003
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The Cambridge companion to the Italian novel
Engels | 243 pagina's | Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [etc.] | 2003
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Wouter Kusters Linguistic complexity
the influence of social change on verbal inflection
Engels | 411 pagina's | LOT, Utrecht | 2003
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The Cambridge history of science
Engels | 762 pagina's | Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [etc.] | 2003
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Véronique van Gelderen Scrambling unscrambled
Engels | 192 pagina's | LOT, Utrecht | 2003
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Erik Jan van der Torre Dutch sonorants
the role of place of articulation in phonotactics
Engels | 228 pagina's | LOT, Utrecht | 2003
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Laura Lynn Sabourin Grammatical gender and second language processing
an ERP study
Engels | 185 pagina's | 2003
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