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Resultaat 681 - 700 (van 1342)
Christian Gudegast Den of thieves
Een corrupte politie-inspecteur weet een informant te plaatsen in de bende die een gewaagde bankoverval voorbereidt.
Fictie | Thriller
Sibéal Pounder Witch tricks
Tiga and Fluffanora worden uitgenodigd voor een bezoek aan een exclusieve heksenclub. De jonge heksen zijn erg nieuwsgierig en gaan er opgewekt naartoe. Maar wat is eigenlijk de bedoeling achter deze uitnodiging? Vanaf ca. 9 jaar.
Fictie | Sprookjes
Engels | 195 pagina's | Bloomsbury, London | 2018
Gedrukt boek
M.A. Bennett The island
Link (ik-figuur) wordt op school erg gepest. Van zijn ouders mag hij van school, als hij eerst nog met een schoolkamp meegaat. Als hun vliegtuig neerstort, moeten de jongeren zien te overleven op een onbewoond eiland, waar vreemde dingen gebeuren. Vanaf ca. 15 jaar.
Fictie | Schoolverhaal | Thriller
Engels | 365 pagina's | Hot Key Books, London | 2018
Gedrukt boek
Fear the walking dead
Aan de vroegere Amerikaans-Mexicaanse grens proberen de families in barre omstandigheden weer een samenleving op te bouwen.
Fictie | Griezelverhaal
SEGA Sonic Mania plus
Sonic, de snelste egel ter wereld is terug in een nieuw avontuur. Samen met zijn vrienden Tails en Knuckles neemt hij het op tegen zijn aartsrivaal Dr. Eggman. Vanaf ca. 9 jaar
Anne Tyler Clock dance
Om meer betekenis aan haar leven te geven, in plaats van uitgaan en golf spelen, neemt Willa Drake de zorg op zich voor een onbekende jonge vrouw en haar dochter.
Fictie | Psychologische roman
Engels | 291 pagina's | Chatto & Windus, London | 2018
Gedrukt boek
J.S. Monroe Forget my name
Een jonge vrouw met geheugenverlies klopt aan bij een huis waar ze zegt te hebben gewoond.
Fictie | Thriller
Engels | 419 pagina's | Head of Zeus, London | 2018
Gedrukt boek
Elizabeth Lowry Dark water
being a history by Dr. Hiram Carver of Boston, Massachusetts and written by Elizabeth Lowry
Wanneer een voormalige scheepsarts in 1834 in een Amerikaans tehuis voor krankzinnigen werkt, is zijn eerste patiënt een matroos die hij heeft leren kennen als een heroïsche en sterke man.
Fictie | Historische roman | Psychologische roman
Engels | 468 pagina's | riverrun, London | 2018
Gedrukt boek
Shari Low With or Without You
Have you ever made a life-changing decision before wondering if you made the right one...? When Liv and Nate walked up the aisle, Liv knew she was marrying the one, her soul mate and her best friend. Six years later, it feels like routine and friendship are all they have left in common. What happened to the fun, the excitement, the lust, the love? In the closing moments of 1999, Liv and Nate decide to go their separate ways, but at the last minute, Liv wavers. Should she stay or should she go?...
Engels | 10 uur 55 minuten (481 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2022
Luisterboek (digitaal)
The unicorn
Een al vier jaar verloofd stel besluit hun verloving te hernieuwen en dat te vieren door een trio uit te proberen. Deze nieuwe ervaring heeft echter onverwachte gevolgen die hun relatieproblemen blootleggen,
Fictie | Humoristische roman | Romantische verhalen
Yvonne Gillissen Now would you believe this..?..?!
NOW WOULD YOU BELIEVE THIS ?…?! is a story about the secret of love. Zaven and his girlfriend Camilla like playing outside in the snow together. They want to make snowmen. But then something strange happens. For children (7+) and grownups who want to know more about that. Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie
Engels | 20 minuten (38 MB) | Xpath Design, Amsterdam | 2019
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Gabriël Anthonio The Swiss Army Knife for Leaders
A Guide to Leadership with Lasting Impact
In The Swiss Army Knife for Leaders you are inspired and challenged to follow your own path in leadership development and take others with you on this journey. To work on leadership with a positive impact on yourself and your environment. The title of this book refers to the pocket knife of Gabriel Anthonio’s grandfather; teacher, and a great coach for old and young. This book will be a constant companion. You can pick it up anytime and read the chapters separately, according to your needs. You...
Engels | 2 uur 2 minuten (175 MB) | Bookora, Zeist | 2019
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Peter Gotthardt The Fate of the Elves 3
The Forgotten Tombs
In the mighty war against Vainglorious, the enemy king, the elves has to resort to all their cunning, courage, bravery, and hope. Our heroes learn of a legendary weapon that can bring destruction to the enemy and restore the elves’ peaceful life again. But it is hidden quite well and it seems that no one can help them. But Bramble and Daisy never surrender. Being the penultimate part from the series, "The Forgotten Tombs" is a journey through dark caves and dangerous pitfalls that threaten to sabotage...
Engels | 47 minuten (36 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2018
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Peter Gotthardt The Fate of the Elves 4
The Enchanted Flute
A mighty enemy has arrived in the land of the Elves. He wishes to enslave everyone who lives there. If the Elves are going to survive, they will need both courage and hope. Silktongue, the Witch, has captured Daisy and the entire army of the Elves. Evergreen and Daisy’s mother, Veronica, are coming to set them free. But will they manage to get past all of the warriors of King Vainglorious and the magic of Silktongue? This is the fourth and final book in the series of "The Fate of the Elves." Read...
Engels | 46 minuten (35 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2018
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Chris Cooper Rascal 2 - Trapped on the Tracks
This is the story of one brave dog's journey home. Rascal is lost, hungry and scared. He's trying to find his way home, to his best friend and master Joel - but danger is everywhere. There's a wild dog on the loose, and he's after Rascal . . . Chris Cooper is the pen name of Paul Shipton, who grew up in Manchester and went to university in Cambridge. He spent several years teaching English as a foreign language and lived in Istanbul for a year.rnrnPaul then moved into publishing, working on science...
Engels | 1 uur 4 minuten (55 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2018
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Chris Cooper Rascal 1 - Lost in the Caves
Rascal isn't the bravest dog in the world. His playful nature sometimes gets him into trouble. Luckily his owner Joel is always there to stand up for him. But when exploring on holiday puts them in great danger, Rascal knows that only he can save his best friend. Chris Cooper is the pen name of Paul Shipton, who grew up in Manchester and went to university in Cambridge. He spent several years teaching English as a foreign language and lived in Istanbul for a year.rnrnPaul then moved into publishing,...
Engels | 1 uur (45 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2018
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Chris Cooper Rascal 3 - Running For His Life
This is the story of one brave dog's journey home. Rascal can hardly believe his luck when he's rescued from dog catchers by Lucas, a boy who's on the run too, from bullies. Rascal, lost and far away from home, knows what it's like to feel frightened. Can he show Lucas how to stand up for himself? Chris Cooper is the pen name of Paul Shipton, who grew up in Manchester and went to university in Cambridge. He spent several years teaching English as a foreign language and lived in Istanbul for a...
Engels | 1 uur 7 minuten (57 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2018
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Chris Cooper Rascal 5 - Swept Beneath The Waters
This is the story of one brave dog's journey home. Rascal is hungry and tired, and missing his best friend, Joel - but when he finds three little abandoned puppies, he knows that he needs to look after them. Can he keep them safe and still find his own way home to Joel? Chris Cooper is the pen name of Paul Shipton, who grew up in Manchester and went to university in Cambridge. He spent several years teaching English as a foreign language and lived in Istanbul for a year.rnrnPaul then moved into...
Engels | 1 uur 6 minuten (57 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2018
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Chris Cooper Rascal 6 - Racing Against Time
This is the story of one brave dog's journey home. Rascal is nearly home. He's desperate to find his owner Joel again - but then he's caught and trapped in an animal shelter! Time is running out for Rascal . . . can he and Joel find each other before it's too late? Chris Cooper is the pen name of Paul Shipton, who grew up in Manchester and went to university in Cambridge. He spent several years teaching English as a foreign language and lived in Istanbul for a year.rnrnPaul then moved into publishing,...
Engels | 1 uur 9 minuten (53 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2018
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Chris Cooper Rascal 4 - Facing the Flames
This is the story of one brave dog's journey home. Rascal is hot and thirsty, and still miles from home and his beloved master Joel. But a dangerous forrest fire has been started by some careless campers. Can Rascal save both himself and Hailey, a girl who is just as lost and frightened as he is? Chris Cooper is the pen name of Paul Shipton, who grew up in Manchester and went to university in Cambridge. He spent several years teaching English as a foreign language and lived in Istanbul for a...
Engels | 1 uur 8 minuten (50 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2018
Luisterboek (digitaal)