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Resultaat 701 - 720 (van 1342)
Martina André Mystery of the Templars
In 1156, the sixth Grand Master of the Knights Templar brings a mysterious object from Jerusalem to his homeland in the South of France. "The Head of Wisdom", as the strange artifact is called, ensures that the Order achieves unprecedented wealth. But in October 1307, the French king fights against the Templars. All commanderies of the Templars are closed, all members arrested. Templar Commander Lieutenant Gero of Breydenbach is to flee to Germany with the "Head of Wisdom" to keep their secret. ...
Engels | 25 uur 4 minuten (1118 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2018
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Maggie Dallen The Rogue Debutante
Delia Langley has been a prisoner all her life - a prisoner to high society and its conventions. A prisoner to her wealthy father's overprotective measures. A prisoner to a fiance-to-be in an arrangement made by her father to have a royal heir. Now nineteen, Delia is ready to leave another prison, the manmade "city in the sky," Beau Monde, where she's been tucked away, high above London all these many years. Her marriage to Lord Thaddeus Templeton will be announced after her debutante ball, and...
Engels | 4 uur 5 minuten (189 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2018
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Sven Hassel Monte Cassino
Monte Cassino, the sacred monastery north west of Naples. The Germans have built massive defense positions. The battle of Monte Cassino in the winter and spring of 1944 turns into an indescribable hell for both the defending and attacking forces. The allies bring into action all planes, artillery and armors from many nations. The German forces are led by the best elite troops. Among them is the 27th Panzer-regiment - the penal regiment. No one expects any of them to survive - but some of them do......
Engels | 8 uur 44 minuten (386 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2018
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Britain Kalai Soderkvist Glass Roses
A chance meeting at a ball introduces the lovely and accomplished Eleanor to a handsome Austrian Baron. He is charmed by her beauty and goodness, but her stepsisters are jealous of her royal suitor, and Eleanor´s dreams of happiness may be swept away forever by their vicious schemes for revenge.... Feisty Isabella, meanwhile, learns that not all is as it seems when she and her father become the guests of a surly and reclusive Scottish Duke. His rough manners hide a kind heart, but his mysterious...
Engels | 11 uur 8 minuten (513 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2018
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Sven Hassel Assignment Gestapo
It feels as if the entire area is blown up. A long rumbling explosion shakes the German position. Then an infernal scream sounds. Through flashes of fire, they see Tiny’s huge silhouette with the light grey bowler on his head. He is standing by the end of the enemy trench with his machine gun resting on his hip. The tracer streak projectiles shoot out of the muzzle. Bewildered shapes flee in panic. - What a bunch of devils, the Russian lieutenant exclaims in admiration. "A BRILLIANT SVEN HAZEL,...
Engels | 12 uur 31 minuten (547 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2018
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Sven Hassel Court Martial
The Legionnaire swings the MG-muzzle. The smoke eats its way into the officers’ stomachs. They drop to the snow-covered ground, coloring it red. Bestial shrieks sound from the woods as a wave of fur clad soldiers storm out. They are near the Finish-Russian frontline. The machine guns snarl till the magazines are emptied. Old Man’s platoon, with Tiny the giant and Porta in the lead, fights a rough battle behind Russian lines. " AMAZINGLY WELL WRITTEN – HASSEL TAKES HIS ANTI-MILITARY TENDENCIES...
Engels | 11 uur 23 minuten (502 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2018
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Sven Hassel The Commissar
Heide wails, jumps up and lands on the other side of the trench, where he slides through the mud like a bulldozer. Our tank starts backing up in full speed. Porta has clearly also spotted the madness lying ahead in wait of spreading death and mutilation. Nothing travels as fast as the rumor that the front troops have hit the dreaded mines. Suddenly everything goes quiet. Even the heavy Maxim gun stops. Everyone holds their breath and waits for the mine to go off. " THE CERTAIN SENSE OF DRAMATIC...
Engels | 11 uur 49 minuten (556 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2018
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Sven Hassel Comrades of War
We hear the crawlers closing in. A T-34. They must have seen us, Tiny whispers. - Stay low until it is right here, then we run! The horrible clattering of the crawler comes closer and closer. I know this fear, creeping up the spine. It will mean certain death if they run just one second too soon. How we get up, I don’t know, the legs move automatically. The tank wiggles over the hole and crushes everything in it. Then it rumbles on... "THE UNKNOWN SOLDIER OF THE SECOND WORLD WAR HAS GOTTEN HIS...
Engels | 11 uur 27 minuten (538 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2018
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Sven Hassel Marchbattalion
A special command from the convict regiment, wearing Russian uniforms, take over four Russian T-34 tanks. Remote reconnaissance far behind the Russian lines in Caucasus. The year is 1942. Hour for hour, the tanks roll eastward. Several times, Russian departments challenge them. We follow the soldiers in their desperate struggle to find their way back to the German lines. The distances are great, the friends are few and death is always right behind them... "HASSEL IS ONE OF THE BEST EUROPEAN WRITERS,...
Engels | 7 uur 34 minuten (341 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2018
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Sven Hassel OGPU Prison
At least one battalion of flame-throwers is swinging around like a pack of crazy wild boars. Long, flaming red tongues of fire are hissing from the towers, charring every living thing. From the GPU-prison stream shoals of red prisoners. A barrage of incredible dimensions is hammering down behind the Germans. It seems like the Russians have guessed that they are pondering an escape and want to stop it with an impenetrable wall of fire, spreading as far as the eye can see. " SVEN HASSEL IS AN OUTSTANDING...
Engels | 11 uur 59 minuten (525 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2018
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Yuri van der Sluis Trust me, I'm a salesman
How to Earn Customers through Trust and Value
After training thousands of B2B Sales people worldwide, Yuri van der Sluis packed the essence of value and trust selling in 30 cartoons. This book offers an entertaining and practical approach to a chieving success in sales, by being the exact opposite of the Wolf of Wall Street: a Top Sales Dog instead of a Sales Wolf. Put the customer front and center in their buying process and sell by building trust and providing value. Ethical sales means not just angling to seal the deal, but focusing on the...
Engels | 2 uur 27 minuten (212 MB) | Bookora, Zeist | 2018
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Nicholas Woods The axiom
McKenzie gaat in een nationaal park in Californië met een groep vrienden op zoek naar haar vermiste zus. Ze ontdekken een portaal naar een alternatieve realiteit.
Fictie | Griezelverhaal
Chanel Cleeton Next year in Havana
Marisol (31) is in Miami opgevoed door haar oma. Na haar dood keert Marisol terug naar Cuba om haar daar te verstrooien en komt door gesprekken veel te weten over het Cubaanse leven van haar oma.
Fictie | Politieke roman | Romantische verhalen
Engels | 382 pagina's | Berkley, New York | 2018
Gedrukt boek
Ellen Keith The Dutch wife
Het liefdesverhaal tussen een Nederlandse gevangene in concentratiekamp Buchenwald en een SS-officier, dat ook het leven belicht van vrouwen in een kampbordeel, komt samen met een verhaal over de Vuile Oorlog in Argentinië.
Fictie | Oorlogsroman | Romantische verhalen
Engels | 384 pagina's | Patrick Crean Editions, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, Toronto | 2018
Gedrukt boek
Death in paradise
Op het eiland Saint Marie krijgen politie-inspecteur Jack Mooney en zijn team lastige zaken op te lossen en ook in hun persoonlijke levens hebben ze veel problemen.
Fictie | Detectiveroman
Danny Wallace Hamish and the Baby Boom
De vader van Hamish is samen met de rest van de Belasko-agenten weg om de gevaarlijke schurk Scarmarsh te vangen. Ineens zorgen de baby's van Starkley voor een grote chaos. En niemand behalve Hamish en zijn vrienden lijkt zich er druk om te maken. Vanaf ca. 10 jaar.
Fictie | Avonturenroman | Humoristische roman
Engels | 304 pagina's | Simon & Schuster, London | 2018
Gedrukt boek
Danielle Steel The cast
Succesvol columniste Kait schrijft een voorstel voor een televisieserie en voor ze het weet is ze medeproducent van haar eigen verhaal en sluit ze vriendschappen waarmee ze lief en leed deelt.
Fictie | Romantische verhalen
Engels | 267 pagina's | Macmillan, London | 2018
Gedrukt boek
Martin Stewart The sacrifice box
Vijf jongeren vinden een kist in het bos. Ze besluiten er allemaal iets dierbaars in te stoppen. Maar er blijken regels te zijn, die niet verbroken mogen worden. Als ze die overtreden, gebeuren er gruwelijke dingen. Vanaf ca. 15 jaar.
Fictie | Griezelverhaal
Engels | 389 pagina's | Penguin Books, UK | 2018
Gedrukt boek
Hena Khan Power forward
De Pakistaans-Amerikaanse Zayd is eigenlijk te klein en te mager om een sterbastketballer te worden. Toch zet hij alles op alles om zijn doel te bereiken en zijn ouders te overtuigen. Vanaf ca. 9 jaar.
Fictie | Islamitisch milieu | Sport
Engels | 126 pagina's | Salaam Reads, New York | 2018
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Ava Dellaira In search of us
Marilyn (17) droomt van studeren en een carrière als fotografe, ver weg van haar dominerende moeder in Los Angeles. Dan wordt ze verliefd op haar buurjongen James. Zeventien jaar later vertrekt Marilyns dochter Angie naar Los Angeles, op zoek naar antwoorden over haar vader. Vanaf ca. 15 jaar.
Engels | 388 pagina's | Hot Key Books, London | 2018
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