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Resultaat 61 - 71 (van 71)
CBS [host], Voorburg [etc.]
reflections on the history of the Central Bureau of Statistics in the Netherlands
A century rounded up is a popular account of the history of the Central Bureau of Statistics in the Netherlands (CBS), as told by current and former employees of the CBS. The book describes the history of economic and social statistics and how the information has been made public in the course of the years. It also examines the Bureau's important contributions in the area of international statistics. The publication is illustrated with material from the Bureau archives
Engels | 207 pagina's | Statistics Netherlands, Voorburg [etc.] | 1999
Gedrukt boek
counting, accounting and recounting in the Netherlands
A century of statistics describes how statistics are made at the Central Bureau of Statistics in the Netherlands (CBS), currently called Statistics Netherlands. The book focuses on the methodological and organisational aspects of the work: data collection from companies and from households, sample surveying, mechanisation and computer techniques in the statistical process, coordination and integration of statistics, the calculation of indicators and price indices, confidentiality and publication...
Engels | 558 pagina's | Statistics Netherlands, Voorburg [etc.] | 1999
Gedrukt boek
commemorating 50 years of national accounts in the Netherlands
Engels | 347 pagina's | CBS, Voorburg [etc.] | 1993
Gedrukt boek
Nederlands | 66 pagina's | Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, Voorburg [etc.] | 1993
Gedrukt boek
een aanvulling op "De toekomstige demografische ontwikkeling in Nederland na 1975"
Nederlands | 56 pagina's | Staatsuitgeverij, 's-Gravenhage | 1979
Gedrukt boek
Nederlands | 5 pagina's | Samsom, Alphen aan den Rijn | 1947
Gedrukt boek
Gemeente Deventer
Nederlands | CBS | 1947
Gedrukt boek
333 pagina's | De Haan, Utrecht | 1947
Meerdelig boek
Albani, 's-Gravenhage | 1940
analysis and methodology
The part on analysis in this publication deals with the following topics: key figures, household characteristics, working people, young people, seniors, foreign people and commuting. A comparison with earlier Dutch censuses is made and regional distributions are discussed with special attention to the ten major cities in the Netherlands. The 2001 results in the Netherlands are compared with the results in other European countries. The part on methodology deals with the input, throughput and output...
Engels | 276 pagina's | Statistics Netherlands, Voorburg | 2004
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