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Resultaat 61 - 80 (van 236)
Christopher Fry Curtmantle
a play
De tragische levensloop van Hendrik II, bijgenaamd "Curtmantle" (1154-1189), die na zijn conflict en de breuk met Thomas Becket van kwaad tot erger vervalt
Engels | 99 pagina's | Oxford University Press, London [etc.] | 1961
Gedrukt boek
G. Oosterwal People of the Tor
a cultural-anthropological study on the tribes of the Tor territory [Northern Netherlands New-Guinea]
Engels | 293 pagina's | Van Gorcum, Assen | 1961
Gedrukt boek
Jerome Blum Lord and peasant in Russia from the ninth to the nineteenth century
Engels | 656 pagina's | Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J. | 1961
Gedrukt boek
Willem Johannes Venter The incidence of taxation on the brewing industry
a theoretical and empirical study of taxation impact on South African breweries in comparison with those of particular European countries
Engels | 256 pagina's | 1961
Gedrukt boek
J.H. Adhin Development planning in Surinam in historical perspective
(with special reference to the ten year plan)
Engels | 215 pagina's | 1961
Gedrukt boek
W.B. Emery Archaic Egypt
Engels | 269 pagina's | Penguin Books, Harmondsworth [etc.] | 1961
Gedrukt boek
Vincent Brümmer Transcendental criticism and Christian philosophy
a presentation and evaluation of Herman Dooyeweerd's "Philosophy of the cosmonomic idea"
Engels | 258 pagina's | T. Wever, Franeker | 1961
Gedrukt boek
C.S. Lewis An experiment in criticism
Engels | 142 pagina's | Cambridge University Press, London [etc.] | 1961
Gedrukt boek
H. Daudt Floating voters and the floating vote
a critical analysis of American and English election studies
Engels | 176 pagina's | H.E. Stenfert Kroese, Leiden | 1961
Gedrukt boek
Jakob Katz Exclusiveness and tolerance
studies in Jewish-Gentile relations in medieval and modern times
Engels | 200 pagina's | Oxford University Press, London | 1961
Gedrukt boek
D.W. Davies A primer of Dutch seventeenth century overseas trade
Engels | 160 pagina's | Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague | 1961
Gedrukt boek
Alan D. Robinson Dutch organised agriculture in international politics
Engels | 192 pagina's | Martinus Nijhoff, 's-Gravenhage | 1961
Gedrukt boek
Joint Committee on the New Translation of the Bible The new English Bible
Engels | 446 pagina's | Oxford University Press, Cambridge, Eng | 1961
Gedrukt boek
Alrik Gustafson A history of Swedish literature
Engels | 708 pagina's | publ. for the American-Scandinavian Foundation by the University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, MN | 1961
Gedrukt boek
James Barr The semantics of biblical language
Engels | 313 pagina's | Oxford University Press, London | 1961
Gedrukt boek
P. Geyl Toynbee's answer
Engels | Noord-Hollandsche Uitgevers Maatschappij, Amsterdam | 1961
Gedrukt boek
Jacoba Hooykaas-van Leeuwen Boomkamp Ritual purification of a Balinese temple
Engels | 81 pagina's | Noord-Hollandsche Uitgevers Maatschappij, Amsterdam | 1961
Gedrukt boek
Friedrich Solmsen Cleanthes or Posidonius?
the basis of stoic physics
Engels | 27 pagina's | Noord-Hollandsche Uitgevers Maatschappij, Amsterdam | 1961
Gedrukt boek
F. Solmsen →Aisthēsis⇋ in Aristotelian and Epicurean thought
Engels | 24 pagina's | Noord-Hollandsche Uitgevers Maatschappij, Amsterdam | 1961
Gedrukt boek
John Fitchen The construction of Gothic cathedrals
a study of medieval vault erection
Engels | 344 pagina's | At the Clarendon Press, Oxford [etc.] | 1961
Gedrukt boek