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Mark van Wonderen Collectie Chin.Ind.Spec.Rest.
een Nederlands fenomeen
Fotoboek over het Chinees-Indisch restaurant in Nederland, een tak van de horeca die langzaam in Nederland aan het verdwijnen is.
Nederlands | 171 pagina's | Uitgeverij Zoetzuur, [Amsterdam] | 2023
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Hugo Claus, con amore
Catalogus met essays, gedichten en illustraties bij een tentoonstelling over de veelzijdige Belgische kunstenaar Hugo Claus (1929-2008).
Nederlands | 255 pagina's | Lannoo, Tielt | 2018
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Roel H. Smit-Muller De schilders van Staphorst
Nederlands | 185 pagina's | WBOOKS, Zwolle | 2018
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Orpheus Institute The dark precursor
Deleuze and artistic research
Deleuze's and Guattari's philosophy in the field of artistic research Gilles Deleuze's intriguing concept of the dark precursor refers to intensive processes of energetic flows passing between fields of different potentials. Fleetingly used in Difference and Repetition, it remained underexplored in Deleuze's subsequent work. In this collection of essays numerous contributors offer perspectives on Deleuze's concept of the dark precursor as it affects artistic research, providing a wide-ranging panorama...
Engels | 572 pagina's (PDF, 10 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2018
Yves Knockaert Wolfgang Rihm, a chiffre
the 1980s and beyond
Wolfgang Rihm ( b. Karlsruhe, 1952) is the most performed living German composer. With his personal, expressive, and versatile music, he became the most prominent representative of his generation. His individual approach to music was established in the 1980s and he continues to explore and enlarge his original concepts today. His 1980s work is at the core of this book, more specifically his instrumental music: the Chiffre cycle and the string quartets. Thinking about Rihm includes reflecting on his...
Engels | PDF, 3 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2018
Orpheus Institute Artistic research in music: discipline and resistance
artists and researchers at the Orpheus Institute
The Orpheus Institute celebrates 20 years of artistic research in music. Artistic research in music is now at a generational stage of development. How should it deal with its own maturing? From a kaleidoscope of individual pursuits, ethos and methodologies have emerged to encompass more distributed approaches. This transformation has taken place in parallel with changes in the dynamics and structures of culture, its institutions and constituencies. Artistic research maintains a productive dialectic...
Engels | 316 pagina's (PDF, 5 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2018
R. Widemann Artists' conceptions of money
money art and artificial money
In this book eighty money-artists are presented. In the past some old masters and modern ones used to make money the subject of their works of art. Beside using money as a source of inspiration, they expressed their views on the meaning of money in their artworks as well. Nowadays a growing number of contemporary artists are producing art in which they critically comment on the meaning of money in our present financialized society. Their artistic comments are useful eye-openers to reconsider the...
Engels | 185 pagina's (PDF, 7,3 MB) | Aspekt Publishers, Soesterberg | 2018
Cultural mediation in Europe, 1800-1950
International exchange in European cultural life in the 19th and 20th centuries From the early nineteenth century till the middle of the twentieth century, cultures in Europe were primarily national. They were organized and conceived of as attributes of the nation states. Nonetheless, these national cultures crossed borders with an unprecedented intensity even before globalization transformed the very concept of culture. During that long period, European cultures have imported and exported products,...
Engels | PDF, 1,2 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2018
Art history after Deleuze and Guattari
At the crossroads of philosophy, artistic practice, and art history Though Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari were not strictly art historians, they reinvigorated ontological and formal approaches to art, and simultaneously borrowed art historical concepts for their own philosophical work. They were dedicated modernists, inspired by the German school of expressionist art historians such as Riegl, Wölfflin, and Worringer and the great modernist art critics such as Rosenberg, Steinberg, Greenberg,...
Engels | PDF, 2,1 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2018
Orpheus Institute Experimental encounters in music and beyond
Multidisciplinary analysis of experimentalism in music and the wider arts today Experimental Encounters in Music and Beyond opens a necessary dialogue on experimental practices in the arts and negotiates their place in contemporary society. Going beyond the music-historical usage of the term "experimental", this book reimagines experimentation as an open working definition encompassing multiple forms of artistic attitudes and processes. The texts, images, and sounds offer multiple traces, faces,...
Engels | 212 pagina's (PDF, 3,4 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2018
Yvonne Michiels Yvonne Michiels
the power of vulnerability
Overzicht van de 'foto-schilderijen' van de Nederlandse kunstenares Yvonne Michiels (1966).
Nederlands | Engels | 79 pagina's | Waanders Uitgevers, Zwolle | 2018
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Frans de Boer Lichtveld Frans & Marja de Boer Lichtveld
Overzicht van de werken van het kunstenaarsduo Frans en Marja de Boer Lichtveld die, steeds samen, met hun monumentale sculpturen een stempel zetten op veel publieke plaatsen in Nederland.
Nederlands | 200 pagina's | Uitgeverij de Kunst, Zwolle | 2018
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Huub Thomas Het bezield modernisme van A.H. Wegerif
architectuur als beschavingsideaal
Monografie over leven en loopbaan van architect en vrijmetselaar A.H. Wegerif (1888-1963).
Nederlands | 576 pagina's | nai010 uitgevers, Rotterdam | 2018
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Glenda Nevill Michael Jackson
de onbetwiste koning van de pop
Biografie van de zanger Michael Jackson.
Nederlands | 123 pagina's | Rebo Productions, Noordwijkerhout | 2018
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Jan Kees Kokke Twee Hollandse architecten in Parijs
Johannes Jansen, Eduard Niermans, trendsetters in de Belle Époque
Beschrijving van het leven en werk van architect en decorateur Eduard Niermans en decorateur en meubelmaker Johannes Jansen in de periode 1880-1920, toen zij in Parijs beroemd werden en regelmatig samenwerkten.
Nederlands | 192 pagina's | Uitgeverij Belle Époque, [Bloemendaal] | 2018
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1250 Pagina's Deventer Beeld
Nederlands | 1248 pagina's | VVV Deventer, Deventer | 2018
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Dannie ten Zweege Neem mijn jeugd, die stierf vandaag
kunstenaars in de frontlinie van de Eerste Wereldoorlog
Korte biografieën van kunstenaars en schrijvers die in de periode 1914-1918 vochten en sneuvelden aan het westelijk front.
Nederlands | 238 pagina's | AUP, Amsterdam | 2018
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Juke Hudig Gebeden voor nacht en slaap
Pasteltekeningen van de Nederlandse kunstenares (1945- ) bij passages uit het werk van David Lang (1957-) met vertaling.
Nederlands | Engels | 164 pagina's | Uitgeverij Nachtwind, [Hilversum] | 2022
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Jan-Dirk Schouten Gaten in de muur
over een bijzondere maar vergeten samenwerking tussen kunstenaars en architecten tijdens de wederopbouw van Rotterdam
Fransje Kuyvenhoven Rijkscollectie in beeld
Kunstbeschouwingen over werken van na 1930 van voornamelijk Nederlandse kunstenaars uit de collectie van de Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed (RCE).
Nederlands | 142 pagina's | Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed, Amersfoort | 2018
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