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W.H. van der Linden The international peace movement 1815-1874
Engels | 1237 pagina's | Tilleul Publications, Amsterdam | 1987
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Judith Junger Predicate formation in the verbal system of modern Hebrew
Engels | 183 pagina's | 1987
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Orlanda S.H. Lie The Middle Dutch Prose Lancelot
a study of the Rotterdam fragments and their place in the French, German, and Dutch Lancelot en prose tradition
Engels | Middelnederlands (ca.1050-1350) | 232 pagina's | Noord-Hollandsche Uitgevers Maatschappij, Amsterdam [etc.] | 1987
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Rāmakṛṣṇa Gopālakelicandrikā
a Kṛṣṇa-play by Rāmakṛṣṇa; (Sanskrit text with notes)
Engels | Sanskriet | 261 pagina's | North-Holland, Amsterdam [etc.] | 1987
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Flor Aarts A contrastive grammar of English and Dutch
Vergelijkend overzicht van de Engelse en Nederlandse grammatica.
Engels | 357 pagina's | Nijhoff, Leiden | 1987
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J.L. Vives Early writings
De initiis sectis et laudibus philosophiae, Veritas fucata, Anima senis, Pompeius fugiens
Engels | Latijn | 157 pagina's | Brill, Leiden [etc.] | 1987
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Maria Elisabeth Hoffmann Negatio contrarii
a study of Latin litotes
Engels | 290 pagina's | 1987
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Dutch-Asiatic shipping in the 17th and 18th centuries
Engels | 356 pagina's | Nijhoff, The Hague | 1987
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L. de Blois The Roman army and politics in the first century before Christ
Engels | Gieben, Amsterdam | 1987
Gedrukt boek
C.W.A.M. van Paridon Changing for growth
a study on the process of long-term economic development for an open and industrialised economy
Engels | 262 pagina's | Eburon, Delft | 1987
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Martha Komter Conflict and cooperation in job interviews
a study of talk, tasks and ideas
Engels | 270 pagina's | 1987
Gedrukt boek
E.J. Bult Moated sites in their economical and social context in Delfland
Engels | ROB, [Amersfoort] | 1987
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J.M. van Ophuijsen Hephaestion on metre
a translation and commentary
Engels | Oudgrieks (tot 1453) | 186 pagina's | Brill, Leiden [etc.] | 1987
Gedrukt boek
Doreen Greig The reluctant colonists
Netherlanders abroad in the 17th and 18th centuries
Beschrijving van de bouwkunst in Azië, Afrika en Amerika, ontstaan onder invloed van de Nederlandse kolonisten in de 17e eeuw en 18e eeuw, voorafgegaan door een overzicht van de Nederlandse architectuur in die periode
Engels | 306 pagina's | Van Gorcum, Assen, The Netherlands, Wolfeboro, N.H., U.S.A. | 1987
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Albert Egges van Giffen Instituut voor Prae- en Protohistorie Farm life in a Carolingian village
a model based on botanical and zoological data from an excavated site
Engels | 129 pagina's | Van Gorcum, Assen [etc.] | 1987
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India and Indonesia from the 1830s to 1914: the heyday of colonial rule
Engels | 295 pagina's | Brill, Leiden [etc.] | 1987
Gedrukt boek
J.R. Jones Charles II
royal politician
Engels | 230 pagina's | Allen & Unwin, London [etc.] | 1987
Gedrukt boek
P. Schut Jade axes in the Netherlands
a preliminary report
Engels | ROB, [Amersfoort] | 1987
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Hugh Trevor-Roper Catholics, Anglicans and Puritans
seventeenth century essays
Engels | 317 pagina's | Secker & Warburg, London | 1987
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Roy Porter A social history of madness
stories of the insane
Studie op basis van hun autobiografieën over vele mensen in de loop der tijden die door de maatschappij als krankzinnig bestempeld werden
Engels | 261 pagina's | Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London | 1987
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