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William Morris | Liz Catchpole De twaalf dagen met Kerstmis
Nederlandse versie van het bekende stapelvers en liedje 'The Twelve Days of Christmas', waarin van één tot twaalf op- en teruggeteld wordt. Met sfeervolle kleurenillustraties. Vanaf ca. 4 t/m 8 jaar.
Nederlands | 32 pagina's | Christofoor Uitgeverij, Zeist | 2017
Gedrukt boek
William Morris The wood beyond the world
When his wife cheats on him, Golden Walter leaves his mundane life to start a new one at sea. Horrific news forces him to turn around, however, but before he can reach home, a storm carries his ship to a faraway country. A country inhabited by people he has seen before. In a vison. With novels like 'The Wood Beyond the World' (1894) William Morris has gone down in history as the forerunner for much of the modern-day fantasy genre. C.S. Lewis, who wrote 'The Chronicles of Narnia', cited Morris as...
Engels | SAGA Egmont, Copenhagen | 2017
Luisterboek (digitaal)
William Morris John Ball en andere vertalingen
Nederlands | 189 pagina's | Versluys, Amsterdam | 1898
Gedrukt boek
William Morris Nieuws uit Nergensoord, of Een tijd van rust
eenige hoofdstukken uit een utopischen roman
Nederlands | 229 pagina's | Van Looy, Amsterdam | 1897
Gedrukt boek
William Morris The ideal book
essays and lectures on the arts of the book
Engels | 134 pagina's | University of California Press, Berkeley | 1982
Gedrukt boek
William Morris Designs by William Morris
Engels | 8 pagina's | Abrams, New York | 1985
Gedrukt boek
William Morris News from nowhere
or, An epoch of rest: being some chapters from a utopian romance
Engels | 194 pagina's | Routledge & Kegan Paul, London | 1970
Gedrukt boek
William Morris The story of the glittering plain which has been also called the land of living men or the acre of the undying
Engels | 174 pagina's | Longmans, Green and Co, London enz. | 1923
Gedrukt boek
William Morris Ornamentation and illustrations from 'The Kelmscott Chaucer'
Engels | 112 pagina's | Dover Publications, New York | 1973
Gedrukt boek
William Morris The early romances of William Morris in prose and verse
Engels | 303 pagina's | Dent, London | 1907
Gedrukt boek
William Morris Selected writings and designs of William Morris
Engels | 32 pagina's | Penguin, Harmondsworth, Middlesex [etc.] | 1973
Gedrukt boek
William Morris Prose and poetry (1856-1870)
Engels | 656 pagina's | Oxford University Press, London [etc.] | 1913
Gedrukt boek
William Morris A book of verse
a facsimile of the manuscript written in 1870
Engels | 51 pagina's | Scolar Press, London | 1981
Gedrukt boek
William Morris A note by William Morris on his aims in founding the Kelmscott press
Engels | 71 pagina's | Macglinchey | 1969
Gedrukt boek
William Morris The defence of Guenevere
Engels | 224 pagina's | Routledge & Sons, London | 1911
Gedrukt boek