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Joseph Conrad The secret agent
a simple tale
Een armoedige Londense winkelier spioneert bij een anarchistische groep en verkoopt zijn inlichtingen aan het buitenland.
Fictie | Spionageroman
Engels | 260 pagina's | Penguin Books, London [etc.] | 2010
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E.M. Forster The longest journey
Een introverte, manke jongeman uit de betere kringen ontdekt dat hij een buitenechtelijke halfbroer heeft die alle eigenschappen bezit die hijzelf mist.
Engels | 434 pagina's | Arnold, London | 1984
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The Cambridge history of English literature
Engels | 504 pagina's | University Press, Cambridge | 1907
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The Indians' book
an offering by the American Indians of Indian lore, musical and narrative, to form a record of the songs and legends of their race
Engels | 584 pagina's | Dover Publ, New York | 1968
Gedrukt boek
D. Croal Thomson The brothers Maris
(James, Matthew, William)
Engels | 71 pagina's | The Studio, London [etc.] | 1907
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C.H. Grandgent An introduction to vulgar Latin
Engels | 219 pagina's | Hafner, New York | 1962
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Thomas Carlyle Latter-day pamphlets
Engels | 299 pagina's | Chapman and HAll, London | 1907
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Edmund Gosse Father and son
a study of two temperaments
Victorian critic and poet Edmund Gosse was the child of respected zoologist Philip Gosse, a minister within the Plymouth Brethren, a fundamentalist evangelical sect. This memoir of Gosses childhood and young adulthood details his upbringing by parents whose faith and literal approach to Scripture directed all their domestic practices
Engels | 224 pagina's | Penguin, [Harmondsworth] | 1976
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George Gordon Noel, lord Byron Childe Harold
Engels | 336 pagina's | Clarendon Press, Oxford | 1916
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William Morris The early romances of William Morris in prose and verse
Engels | 303 pagina's | Dent, London | 1907
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John Ruskin The seven lamps of architecture
Engels | 228 pagina's | Dent, London | 1907
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W.M. Flinders Petrie Gizeh and Rifeh
Engels | 49 pagina's | Aris & Phillips, Warminster, Wilts. | 1977
Gedrukt boek
Reynold Alleyne Nicholson A literary history of the Arabs
Engels | 506 pagina's | Cambridge University Press, London [etc.] | 1969
Gedrukt boek
John Bates Clark Essentials of economic theory
as applied to modern problems of industry and public policy
Engels | 566 pagina's | A. M. Kelley, New York | 1968
Gedrukt boek
Basil H. Soulsby A catalogue of the works of Linnæus (and publications more immediately relating thereto) preserved in the libraries of the British Museum (Bloomsbury) and the British Museum (Natural History) (South Kensington)
Engels | The Trustees of the British Museum, London | 1933
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John Ruskin Pre-raphaelitism lectures on architecture & painting, &c
Engels | 412 pagina's | Dent, London | 1907
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